Chris Reid
Nov 10, 2020




(Vs. 2)

The path that I’m walking along is unattended,

I contend with the unintended but I’ll always defend it,

Cause even when it feels like I’m walking alone I’m prevented,

From spending my inner vision on bypasses that’s presented!


Because by the Spirit I’m always Represented!

Contending with extended dilemmas is helping to strengthen,

The tendons, and lessen the tension that’s building,

And sending vigor to sinews within my venue,

His Grace had been extended!

That’s why I’m always gonna claim I’m insufficient,

Cause independent initiative ain’t enough to present it,

Before His Throne, He’ll Condemn it,

If it doesn’t Represent Him,

And it doesn’t matter if you’re running if you never hit It!

Get it?

You could give it everything you’ve got to give,

But if His Mercy disappears,

Man, it’s abundantly clear,

That you’ll never persevere,

And your Fate’ll be severe,

If you don’t get it in gear,

So you’d better let Him Steer!

To be continued…

By: Christopher Louis Reid



Chris Reid

A lifelong poet and lyricist, and aspiring novelist, who’s taken to heart the old adage, “Only what you do for Christ shall last.”