Chris Reid
2 min readApr 13, 2020



He Got Up


He got up!

And the Power that He used He shared with us because of Love, so we could stand up!

He got up!

And the Power that He used He shared with is because of Love, that’s why I’m standing up!

(Vs 1)

He stepped down from His Throne on Glory so He could step into human skin and change our story!

Cause He knew that the Shedding of Blood was mandatory because once sin was ushered in death was obligatory!

So, He got up and the Power that He used He shared with is because of Love, so we could stand up!

But it wasn’t easy going!

What he was proposing was imposing, approaching what we owed with another notion!

Not just rolling back our sin but throwing it in the ocean, remission was the mission,

It was totally Mind blowing!



He got up!

And the Power that He used He shared with us because of Love, that’s why He got up!

(Vs 2)

The Lord got up so He could change our status, end the madness of the lawful apparatus,

That in practice had become little more than just a habit,

But He tore the veil in half and He changed His Tactics!

When He got up!

And the Power that He used He shared with us because of Love, so we could stand up!

He did it permitting His Blood to be submitted as exhibit “A” in the case against us Satan was building,

But He killed it, dismissing illicit sinning to solicit our ticket into His Presence,

If He didn’t we would miss it!

But He got up!

And the Power that He used He shared with us because of Love, s

So we could stand up!

By: Christopher Louis Reid



Chris Reid

A lifelong poet and lyricist, and aspiring novelist, who’s taken to heart the old adage, “Only what you do for Christ shall last.”