GIFT RAP 3/25/18
Mary came running, burst in the room tears in her eyes,
Said, “Jesus is missing! An angel said that He’s alive!”
We looked at her crazy, some of us crying rolled our eyes,
But I took off running to see if her story’s contrived.
I sprinted, tears streaming, and I hoped that what she said was true,
I prayed He had Power to do what He said He would do!
Disciples were cowards all clustered there still in the room,
But I had encounters evoked as I ran to the tomb!
I walked on the water before I could sink from my doubt,
He told me, “Catch a fish and pull a coin out of its mouth!”
He calmed a storm with a word, healed, and cast demons out,
Why not Resurrection? Implausible’s what He’s about!
I saw where they laid him, but Jesus’s body wasn’t there,
I ran back to tell them and all the sudden, He was there!
Our joy overwhelmed us; we wiped away tears of despair,
Cause Jesus has Risen, time to begin the fanfare!
By: Christopher Louis Reid