DAILY WORD 6/15/20

Chris Reid
3 min readJun 15, 2020

12. For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

13. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.

Hebrews 4:12–13 NLT

Today’s passage is another small slice of Scripture singled out for meticulous mastication in the mouths of our minds. It is a fairly well-known Scripture and is often quoted out of context given the Verses and Chapters that have come before it.

The author has been talking about God’s Rest and our Responsibility to remain Vigilant in our Belief to ensure that we are not in danger of missing out on our Promised Reward.

He has touched repeatedly on the Children of Israel and their failure to stay Faithful in their Trust of God as they left Egypt, making a parallel between his readers which includes us, and those doomed wanderers.

They tragically lost their chance at entering the promised Land which is where, at the time, their Rest resided. Today, for us, as we walk this Christian Journey the Stakes are Infinitely Higher.

If we miss out on the Rest that God has Promised His people we are missing out on Heaven. But how, you may ask, is God to know what we have in our hearts and how are we to know what is right and wrong as we traverse this Path Toward Paradise?

Both of the answers are encompassed in the same Book. The author indicates that the Word of God is Swift, and Powerful, and Sharper than any two-edged sword. So our answers are found in the Bible.

He goes on to immediately explain what he meant by that statement. God’s Word and His Eye can see between what we did or said and what we meant by it. He knows what our intents are regardless of what our actions may have indicated.

Before the Word and the Eyes of God, we are naked and exposed so there is no way to fake our intentions. He sees us and our actions for who we are and what they are. We may be able to fool those around us but there is no fooling God.

Why is this relevant? Because we can hide our true intent from others as we go through this life, doing and saying whatever we believe we have to in order to look good in front of the world.

However, God sees through all our posturing and pretense and Discerns our hearts. We will not be able to enter into His Rest by fronting before God. You may ask then; How can I find the Right Path? Where is the Blueprint to follow to get to Heaven?

As earlier indicated, the Word of God comprises both God’s Discernment of our actions and intents and the way to find the Proper Path. If you are looking to make it to Heaven, the Only Real Way to Find your Path is in the Word of God.

So, it Guides us both through Regulation and Cultivation. God is indeed the Judge but He is also our Pathfinder, the Trailblazer that Shows us where to step, how to behave, and exactly the Right way to Go in order to see His Promised Rest.

We have a Two-Edged Sword to both Protect us and to keep us in line. We may be naked before God’s Eyes but He Clothes us in His Righteousness to Hide our shame. The only way to find this Righteousness is in His Word.

He is our Provider, Giving us all we will ever need to see Him when He Returns. That includes Protection in the form of both a Covering and a Sword all from the same place. If you really look at it, in His Duality as both God and Friend, we are Truly Blessed!

Have a Momentous Monday and Stay Safe out there!



Chris Reid

A lifelong poet and lyricist, and aspiring novelist, who’s taken to heart the old adage, “Only what you do for Christ shall last.”